Friday, November 13, 2009


Hi my Dear Visitor!

I´d like you to post me questions you have about English Language Learning or Teaching and I will try to answer them.

So who´s gonna be the first one to start?


  1. Hi there, I have a private student who doesn't know anything about English, even the alphabet or something like that, but it'not a problem, what I relly want to know is how to cope with his way to translate everything I say, specially numbers. He's 41 years old and he's a consultant. He's having regular English course.What can I do???????

  2. Hi Marcinho.Anxiety levels are really very high among beginning learners.Specially among adults because they believe they will lose face if they don´t know something.Your student´s case is a classic:he´s an adult professional,who´s probably got lots of people under him.So he doesn´t want to lose control of things and translating is a very immediate way for him to be in control in the learning process,because if he knows the exact meaning of every word,he won´t feel like a foolish ignorant.Look,the best thing YOU can do is RELAX.He´s just starting a frightening step in his life that is learning the most important language in the planet,in a world where lots of people master it quite well.Don´t force him not to translate things.It´s the beginning and he needs to feel secure about understanding the language.However,don´t speak Portuguese with him.Every communication you have during class time should and must be in English.It doesn´t matter if HE translates what you say.YOU,the Teacher,have to keep in English at all times.This will force him to understand what you are saying and will,in time,show his innermind that it is actually possible to understand English without necessarily translating each and every word.When you use English with him and he understands it,signal this,make it evident for him.What he is trying to show you is that he needs to feel self-assured.The best thing you can do is give him emotional support.It´s definately not a good idea to confront him,blabbing that "translation is no good".That won´t even come through his mind and you will sound like a boring preacher.Just keep teaching him best as you can,and try not to speak in English with him.It was great to get your doubt and I do hope I have helped you!Please write back to tell me if you see progress through the things I´ve written you.If you need me,just post me again!Cheers,Dan.

  3. Professor, desculpe me pela invasao.Poderiame ajudar com uma informacao?Um examinador da cambridge ganha pelo cambridge ou pelo escola uqe aplica os exames?Ha um piso?Um percentual assim no geral ou escola q define?Se ele for para ou escola, continua sendo examinador...ele tem algum documento que comprova q pertence a cambridge..?

    roberto rocha

  4. Hey Roberto Rocha, thank you so much for your question.1) Todos os examinadores de Cambridge ESOL são pagos pela Universidade, mas de forma indireta, através dos Centros Aplicadores de Exames aos quais eles forem vinculados;2)O Valor a ser pago é estabelecido pela Universidade de Cambridge ESOL; 3)O examinador está vinculado a um Centro Aplicador, que geralmente está vinculado a uma escola de línguas. Se ele se desligar da escola, há duas opções para continuar examinando:a- ele se vincula a outro Centro Aplicador, b- ele permanece vinculado ao Centro Aplicador, mas dando aulas em outra escola. Esta situação ocorre em negociação entre o Centro e o Examinador. Independente de estar vinculado a um Centro Aplicador Específico, a função de Examinador de Cambridge é vitalícia, sendo necessário porém, que o Examinador esteja sempre atualizado quanto aos exames; 4) Não há uma documentação como por ex. uma "carteira de identificação",tipo CNH, mas todos os examinadores de Cambridge possuem um ID Code Number que os identifica perante Cambridge e perante o Centro Aplicador; 5) Uma exigência para se tornar examinador é ser professor de lingua inglesa com experiência comprovada e documentada. Se vc tiver further questions just ask. THANK YOU!!

  5. professor, muito obrigado!sem quere ser muito...tactless quanto um examinador nivel ket ganharia p candidato?

  6. Hey Roberto,

    Thank you pela visita e pela question!!

    Para os exames do Main Suite, o valor independe do nível. Não posso precisar the figure, mas está entre R$30-R$50/interview.Geralmente os examinadores Main Suite são treinados para múltiplos exames e não apenas para somente um específico.

    Thank you and write again if you have more doubts!
